
名称: 有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室
E-mail: klsaofm@hubu.edu.cn


葡萄牙马德拉大学João Rodrigues教授来我室讲学

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    葡萄牙马德拉大学João Rodrigues教授4月15日下午在化院二楼报告厅为我室师生作了题为“Dendrimers as metallodrugs carriers”的学术报告,得到在场的师生阵阵好评,整个报告过程中掌声不断。

    João Rodrigues got the Ph.D. on Inorganic Chemistry from the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and is a professor at the University of Madeira (Madeira Island/Portugal) where he is responsible for the areas of general chemistry, inorganic/organometallic chemistry, nanochemistry and nanomaterials. He is the Head of Centro de Química da Madeira - re-elected in January 2013, Head of the Molecular Materials Research Group of CQM, Director of the Master in Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials, member of the Academic Senate and of the governing body -General Council- of the University of Madeira. He was President of the Inorganic Chemistry Division/ Portuguese Chemistry Society (2003-2005) and is a former member of the National Committee for the celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011.

   His scientific work has been mainly devoted to the preparation and characterization of potential useful molecular materials, namely dendritic(hyperbranched), polymeric metal-containing systems and nanoparticles, having in view their potential use as electronic and/or biomedical nanomaterials. The total budget managed as Principal Investigator represents more than 1.5kM euros. He is author of 41 peer-reviewed articles (h=13), 1 book chapter, 7 proceeding papers, 18 invited lectures in international conferences and 50 other oral presentations.

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