
名称: 有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室
E-mail: klsaofm@hubu.edu.cn



浏览次数:次   更新时间:2019-08-08 18:32:40

刘恒(Liu Heng


电子邮箱 liuheng11b@hubu.edu.cn


学    位:博士(中国科学院大学)

职    称:副教授/硕士生导师

职    务:无

说明: E:\生活\LH 照片及资料\LH 照片\LH 登记照\刘恒.jpg



刘恒,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事光学探针与成像分析等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、湖北省自然科学基金1项,其他项目2项。在SmallNanoscaleSensors and Actuators B: ChemcalBritish Journal of PharmacologyTalantaDyes and PigmentsJournal of Organic Chemistry等国内外学术刊物上发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇。



1.        Wangbo Qu, Kaibin Li, Deman Han*, Xinxin Zhong, Caixia Chen, Xiuxia Liang, Heng Liu*. Lysosome-targetable red-emitting ratiometric fluorescent probe for hypobromous acid imaging in living cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019, 297, 126826.

2.        Jing Huang, Wangbo Qu, Junlun Zhu, Heng Liu*, Wei Wen, Xiuhua Zhang*, Shengfu Wang. Electrochemiluminescent sensor based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoprobe by incorporating a new co-reactant NBD-amine for selective detection of Hydrogen sulfide. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019, 284, 451-455.

3.        Heng Liu, Miles N Radford, Chuntao Yang, Wei Chen, Ming Xian*. Inorganic hydrogen polysulfides: chemistry, chemical biology and detection. British Journal of Pharmacology 2019, 176 (4), 616-627.

4.        Wangbo Qu, Changhe Niu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wei Chen, Fabiao Yu, Heng Liu*, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang. Construction of a novel far-red fluorescence light-up probe for visualizing intracellular peroxynitrite. Talanta 2019, 197, 431-435.

5.        Xiaoyu Zhang, Heng Liu*, Yingying Ma, Wangbo Qu, Hanping He, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang, Qi Sun*, Fabiao Yu*. Development of a novel near-infrared fluorescence light-up probe with a large Stokes shift for sensing of cysteine in aqueous solution, living cells and zebrafish. Dyes and Pigments2019, 171, 107722.

6.        Wangbo Qu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yingying Ma, Fabiao Yu*, Heng Liu*. A novel near-infrared fluorescent probe for detection of hypobromous acid and its bioimaging applications. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2019,222, 117240.

7.        Fengzao Chen, Jian Zhang, Wangbo Qu, Xinxin Zhong, Heng Liu*, Jun Ren, Hanping He, Xiuhua Zhang, Shengfu Wang. Development of a novel benzothiadiazole-based fluorescent turn-on probe for highly selective detection of glutathione over cysteine/homocysteine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018, 266, 528-533.

8.        Heng Liu, Hui Yang, Xian Hao, Haijiao Xu, Yi Lv, Debao Xiao*, Hongda Wang*, Zhiyuan Tian*. Development of polymeric nanoprobes with improved lifetime  dynamic range and stability for intracellular oxygen sensing. Small, 2013, 9, 2639-2648.

9.        Heng Liu, Xian Hao, Chunhui Duan, Hui Yang, Yi Lv, Haijiao Xu, Hongda Wang*, Fei Huang*, Debao Xiao, Zhiyuan Tian*. Al3+-induced far-red fluorescence enhancement of conjugated polymer nanoparticles and its application in live cell imaging. Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 9340-9347.

10.    Heng Liu, Xin Li, Zili Chen*, Wenxiang Hu*. Azepine synthesis from alkyl azide and propargylic ester via gold catalysis. J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 5184-5190.

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