
名称: 有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室
E-mail: klsaofm@hubu.edu.cn



浏览次数:次   更新时间:2019-08-15 10:21:54

夏勇德Xia Yongde)




学   位:博士(复旦大学)

职   称:教授/博士生导师

职   务:无

说明: 微信图片_20190814135855.jpg



夏勇德,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事多孔材料等方面的研究工作。主持EU项目1项,英国Leverhulme Trust研究项目1项,英国皇家学会、皇家工程学会和Newton Fund项目5项,其他项目1项。在JACSAdv Energy Mater.ACS Nano等国内外学术刊物上发表科研论文130余篇,其中SCI收录100余篇;个人h-index 41


1.        Mian Zahid Hussain, Govinder Singh Pawar, Zheng Huang, Asif. Ali Tahir, Roland A. Fischer, Yanqiu Zhu, Yongde Xia*, Porous ZnO/Carbon nanocomposites derived from metal organic frameworks for highly efficient photocatalytic applications - A correlational study; Carbon;2019; 146; 348-363.

2.        Zhuxian Yang, Dan Zhou, Binling Chen, Zongjian Liu, Qinghua Xia, Yanqiu Zhu and Yongde Xia*, Improved hydrogen release from ammonia borane confined in microporous carbon with narrow pore size distribution; Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 2017; 5; 15395–15400.

3.        KunyapatThummavichai, Yongde Xia and Yanqiu Zhu, Recent progress in chromogenic research of tungsten oxides towards energy-related applications; Progress in Materials Sciences; 2017; 88; 281-324.

4.        Binling Chen, Guiping Ma, Yanqiu Zhu, Jinbo Wang, Wei Xiong and Yongde Xia*,Metal-organic-framework-derived bi-metallic sulfide on N, S-codoped porous carbon nanocomposites as multifunctional electrocatalysts; Journal of Power Sources; 2016; 334; 112-119.

5.        Sakineh Chabi, Victoria G. Rocha, Esther Garcı́a-Tuñón, Claudio Ferraro, Eduardo Saiz, Yongde Xia and Yanqiu Zhu,Ultralight, strong, three-dimensional SiC structures; ACS Nano; 2016; 10 (2); 1871-1876.

6.        Binling Chen, Rong Li, Guiping Ma,Xinglong Gou, Yanqiu Zhu, and Yongde Xia*,Cobalt sulfide/N, S Co-doped porous carbon core-shell nanocomposites as superior bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions; Nanoscale; 2015; 7 (48); 20674-20684.(ESI高被引)

7.        Binling Chen, Guiping Ma, Dali Kong, Yanqiu Zhu and Yongde Xia*, Atomically homogeneous dispersed ZnO/N-doped nanoporous carbon composites with enhanced CO2 uptake capacities and high efficient organic pollutants removal from water; Carbon;2015; 95; 113-124.

8.        Binling Chen, Zhuxian Yang, Yanqiu Zhu and Yongde Xia*,Zeoliticimidazolate framework materials: recent progress in synthesis and applications; Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 2014; 2 (40); 16811-16831.(ESI高被引)

9.        Yongde Xia*, Robert Mokaya, Gavin S. Walker and Yanqiu Zhu,Superior CO2 adsorption capacity on N-doped, high surface area, microporous carbons template from zeolite; Advanced Energy Materials;2011;1 (4); 678-683. (ESI高被引)

10.    Yongde Xia, Zhuxian Yang and Robert MokayaTemplated nanoscale porous carbons. Nanoscale; 2010; 2 (5); 639-659.(ESI高被引)

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